If you believe in the power of the arts, give today!
The Rye Arts Center is dedicated to making The Arts accessible to underserved students in our communities. Because of your support, no student will ever be turned away.
Your generosity will ensure that individuals of all ages can benefit from our exceptional classes, unique gallery exhibitions, nurturing social environment, and positive impact on mental health and well-being!
The Arts
Serve as a powerful antidote to stress, anxiety, and depression, and build self-confidence.
Allow seniors/adults to rebuild and maintain their social connections and memories, while initiating new ones.
Nurture the development of analytical problem-solving skills while significantly enhancing verbal, reading, and mathematical abilities.
Read the digital pamphlet to learn more about how your support impacts our community!
Ways To Give
Appreciated securities are perhaps the most cost-effective assets to use in making a gift.
When you transfer ownership of long-term holdings to The Rye Arts Center, you receive a charitable deduction for their full market value, and you incur no capital gains tax (subject to IRS deduction limits).
If you donate a stock, please contact us with the stock and number of shares you plan to give.
You can do so by contacting Director of Development,
Alli West at 914-967-0700 ex. 33 or alliwest@ryeartsenter.orgOR simply click the right-hand button
If you would like to make a donation in honor of somebody, you may use any of these methods.
You can do so by contacting the Director of Development, Alli West at 914-967-0700 ex. 33 or alliwest@ryeartscenter.org
OR simply click the right-hand button
More than 1,000 companies and foundations in the United States match their employees’ gifts to non-profit organizations such as The Rye Arts Center. Utilizing your (or your spouse’s) matching gift program is an excellent way to increase your contributions and receive more benefits — at no additional cost to you.
Click the button on the right to see if your company matches gifts!
The Rye Arts Center works with local and national businesses and foundations as well as individuals to present quality arts programming for the communities we serve.
If you would like to align your brand with The Rye Arts Center, please contact Director of Development Alli West: alliwest@ryeartscenter.org or calling (914) 967-0700, ext. 33.
OR simply click the right-hand button.
To make donation through donor advised fund, please use our EIN below:
EIN: 51-0243575
simply click the right-hand button to contact our Director of Development!
Your Gift Could Provide
$5,000… Provides need-based scholarships to 40 students
$2,500…. Updates our Maker Space equipment
$1,000…. Supports one month of Dance for Parkinson’s
$500…. Brings arts education to a public school
$250…. Provides one week of Head Start Arts Enrichment
$100…. Resupplies our Children’s Art Studio
Thank you for supporting The Rye Arts Center! Your tax-deductible contribution can be made below. Questions? Contact Alli West, Director of Development: alliwest@ryeartscenter.org