Our Policies — The Rye Arts Center

General Policies

Class Withdrawal

A $25 administrative charge will be assessed for class withdrawal. Withdrawals must be made at least one week prior to the first scheduled class and must been done through the School Directors. No refunds will be made for withdrawals if less than one week’s notice is given prior to the first class. No refunds will be made once the class begins. No refunds or credits will be issued due to outside schedule conflicts once a class has begun.


A $25 service charge is assessed for returned checks or declined charges. Fees for canceled classes that have not met enrollment are fully refundable. Membership fees are not refundable.

Holiday and Vacation Days

Holiday and vacation days follow the Rye City School calendar. This does not apply to Superintendent’s Conference Days, Professional Development Days, or unused snow days.

Class Cancellations and Delays

The Rye Arts Center reserves the right to cancel any classes or workshops that are under-enrolled. Please check our website for current information regarding weather related delays and closures. Updated info will also be available by calling our main number, (914) 967-0700. In most cases, virtual lessons will remain scheduled unless otherwise specified.

Classes canceled or delays due to inclement weather, instructor’s illness, or conditions beyond our control will be rescheduled whenever possible. The Rye Arts Center reserves the right to supply a substitute in the event of teacher absence. There are no make-ups for group classes due to student absence.

Student Safety

Children should be escorted by a parent or caregiver to and from their classes. If children cannot be escorted, please use the walkways located at the rear or the exit-side entrance of the building. Students must remain in the building until pick up.

Student Code of Behavior

For the benefit of the learning experience for all of our students, we reserve the right to request parental supervision, or in extreme cases, the right to ask a disruptive student to leave the classroom, in the event a student fails to meet a reasonable standard of behavior, including respect for other students and teachers.


Registration can be made by phone, mail, in person or online. Check, cash, money order, and credit card are accepted. Students are guaranteed a place only after full payment is received. Please call if you wish to confirm receipt of your registration form. You will not be contacted unless your class is not full or has been canceled. Enrollment is limited. Registrations are processed in order of receipt. Members on the Family level and below receive a 10% discount on group classes. Members on the Supporter level and up receive a 15% discount (15% does not apply to private/Suzuki or Piano Pals programs).

Photo/Video Policy

The Rye Arts Center retains the right to photograph any class, work, student orevent and reproduce the images at its discretion without incurring obligations.

Music School Policies

Private Music, Suzuki Music and Piano Pals Programs are designed to run throughout the school year, although tuition payment is on a semester basis. Lessons are held weekly at a mutually agreed upon time with the instructor. This becomes your reserved lesson time and regular attendance is expected. Start up of lessons, including introductory lessons must be secured by check or credit card prior to the first lesson. Twenty-four hour notice is required in order to reschedule or make up a lesson. This will be based on room and teacher availability and must be coordinated with the individual instructor. One make up per semester is guaranteed. Above and beyond the one make up is based on teacher discretion. There are no make ups for missed group classes.

The Music School reserves the right to supply a substitute in the event of teacher absence. If a substitute is not provided, the lesson/class will be rescheduled.

Privacy Policy

The Rye Arts Center respects the privacy of our visitors and is dedicated to safeguarding your privacy while visiting our website. Since the use of our technology changes from time to time, we ask that our guests continue to monitor our privacy policies for any changes. Any questions or comments regarding The Rye Arts Centers Privacy Policy should be directed to the Executive Director at executivedirector@ryeartscenter.org, or (914) 967-0700, ext. 27.

Sharing of Data

When you access our website, Rye Art Center servers automatically collect information about the IP address that is assigned to your computer whenever you are surfing our site. Information includes the type of operating and browser system you use, the pages you visit on our site and the date and time you accessed our site. Please understand we do not record or track information about individuals. The information collected helps us make our site more efficient.

Collection of Cookies

In computing, a cookie is a small piece of text stored on a user’s computer by a web browser. From this text, we do not record, or maintain any personal information that is gathered from using “cookies” on our site. Cookies are only used to keep track of the selections you have made by visiting our site.


The Rye Arts Center will NEVER share your information with any outside source. We do not link the web information to link to any other databases to identify individual website users. Thriva, our online registration program, uses the industry standard secure socket layer to protect the security of your online registration. This SSL technology encrypts your registration information to prevent it from being decoded by anyone other than The Rye Arts Center.

COVID-19 Policy

If you test positive, have symptoms of, or were exposed to COVID-19:

This policy applies to all teachers, students, CITs (Counselors in Training), volunteers, interns, and visitors of the arts school, to maintain a conducive learning environment.

  1. Stay Home: Do not come to class for the duration necessary to keep yourself and others healthy

  2. Notify the School: Inform us of any absence upon immediate notice of your positive test, symptoms, or exposure.

  3. Follow Health Guidelines: Follow CDC Guidelines for Isolation. Quarantine and follow the advice of health professionals.

  4. Return to School

    • You can return to school after:

      • At least 5 days have passed since your positive test (if asymptomatic) or since symptoms first appeared.

      • You have been fever-free for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medications.

      • Other symptoms have improved.

  5. General Reminders:

    • Wash Hands: Frequently wash hands with soap and water or use hand sanitizer.

    • Wear A Mask: Please wear a mask should you continue to experience symptoms like coughing, sneezing, etc. and follow the advice of the CDC and local health guidelines.

  6. Stay Informed: Keep up-to-date with the latest health guidelines and school updates.

By following these simple steps, we can help protect our community and keep everyone safe. Thank you for your cooperation!