Music Policy — The Rye Arts Center

For Private/Semi-Private, Suzuki,
Piano Pals/Guitar Pals Lesson Programs:

Enrollment in our lesson programs is for the entire school term culminating in June.

Tuition Payment

Payment by cash, check or credit card is required at registration.
Installment payments available. Credit cards will be automatically charged on September 16 and February 1. Registration is ongoing based on space/teacher availability. Fees will be prorated and payment schedules adjusted accordingly.

Students enrolled in these programs must be members of The Rye Arts Center. Click here to determine the membership level that best meets your needs.

Withdrawal and Refunds

Requests for withdrawals, refunds or credits must be made directly with the Music Director. Three weeks’ notice is required in order to issue a refund for the remainder of the lessons for the school year. A $25 administrative charge is applied for any lesson withdraw.

Makeup Policy

Student Absences

Three makeups if registered for the full year

24 hour notice of cancellation is required in order to qualify for a makeup. Communication of cancellation is to be made directly with the instructor. If proper notification is not given, the missed lesson will be ineligible for a makeup.

Weather Closures/Teacher Absences

All lessons will be rescheduled directly with the instructor 24 hour notice of cancellation is required in order to qualify for a makeup. Notification of cancellation is to be made directly with the instructor. If a student cancels a makeup lesson it cannot be rescheduled.

Holiday and Vacation Days

Holiday and vacation days follow the Rye City School calendar. This does not apply to Superintendent’s Conference Days, Professional Development Days, or unused snow days.

Group Classes

The RAC reserves the right to supply a substitute in the event of teacher absence. If a substitute is not provided, the class will be rescheduled. 

There are no make-ups for missed group classes. Classes cancelled due to teacher absence or weather closures will be rescheduled. The Rye Arts Center also reserves the right to cancel any classes or workshops that are under-enrolled.